We Did It!!!!

The shop is open! I'll continue to add more this week, but all of the patterns that have been available on Etsy are in the shop. We have a discount if you buy 4 or more patterns, which is exciting, IMO because you get to choose which four.

I'm trying to make some headway on those clothes I need, today and tomorrow. And then it's back to work on the mini patterns. Yesterday I digitised some pieces that now need to be tested, so there will be a few more patterns in the shop soon!

Have a great holiday!

Blog posted on Sunday May 29th 2022 14:49:49 GMT -07:00

Shop opening soon

It's so close I can taste it.😂  But, we ARE in the home stretch on the shopping cart integration.Boy, was there a lot that needed to be addressed! We need to comb through it one more time, making sure everything is working. Then it will be LIVE!

I've been making more custom dolls, which has been fun! And I hope to get some more doll designs done. I also want to get back on track with the blog. 😏 And I'm doing better about taking a day for my own projects, which is a good thing because I need new clothes. 🤣  

The auction to support Ukraine went pretty good. I was able to donate $300. I'd like to do it again, but we're going to need to get our personal income in better shape first.

My Kestner is getting a little more attention and I'm designing her a new body, similar to the previous design, but with paper clay feet and hands. With the biggest change to the body being her hips, knees and elbows. I'll be using cotton fabric instead of leather as well.

Have a great week! 

Blog posted on Friday May 27th 2022 16:13:44 GMT -07:00

Friday the 13th

I don't believe in bad luck or the ill luck of the number 13. As a matter of fact, 13 is quite auspicious. But today my bank account was fraudulently used and emptied. Good thing I didn't have a lot of money in there. Etsy interface for uploading digital files and certain pictures, isn't working. So changes I wanted to make, couldn't be made. I guess I'll go sew. Oh, and I spent the morning taking tests for autism. Yeah, I'm on the spectrum, not really surprised. But knowing may change how I approach life, and that could be good. All in all, events that could be interpreted as a series of bad luck, aren't really. If you're looking for bad luck, you'll find it, but the reverse is also true.

Have a good one! Whatever that "one" is...

Blog posted on Friday May 13th 2022 16:16:36 GMT -07:00