What's Happening

Well, the world turned upside down and I was in a daze for at least a week, maybe longer. Then I tried to come up with little ways that I could support the people of Ukraine. I purchased digital files in the beginning, but my sales fell off, so my funds were non-existant and I needed to come up with another idea. So my daughter and I began making and embellishing dresses. Then I made a very special Faerie Child.

But before I was able to finish that project and put it up for auction, my husband had to be hosipitalized with a nasty infection. He's still in the hospital and has been since the end of March.

Needless to say, I needed to get my sales back up and wouldn't you know it, another complication. Sellers of Etsy organised a strike Because of the following: TWO years in a row of record profits wasn’t enough for Corporate Etsy – they chose to gouge all of us for a 30% larger cut of every sale we make! And instituted anti-creator policies. So, I’m on strike. Find out why at 👉 etsystrike.org/petition 👈 and please boycott Etsy April 11-18 in solidarity with artisans and vintage sellers! 

Having other venues to sell through has become more important, so when Cassie approached me about participating with the PNWBJD Conference, I jumped at the chance. This week, while finishing up the Ukrainian projects, I designed another pattern to be given away in the goodie bags.

I'll also be able to sell it, but I'm waiting to list it until after the con. I'd like to do another pattern as well, but it may not be possible, as I have an order for two outfits to get done this week. 

Let's hope for an end to this war and the rebuilding to begin.




Blog posted on Sunday April 10th 2022 19:43:13 GMT -07:00