Dress design and doll collecting

Well, the sheath dress is in the free patterns and I've finished up and filed everyone's taxes. I only have one more tiny Tyko pattern to finish. There will be more at a later date, because I just discovered a bjd that will probably be able to wear them, lol. 

I had a few new arrivals this month. Two By Charles' Creature Cabinet and a few by Takara Tomy. Still have others in transit. Doll collecting can be manic, lol! Doll designing, only slightly less so. I have dolls I want to create patterns for, just haven't taken the time. But their designs are floating around in my head, lol. 

I have a plan for the next free pattern and I've ordered supplies. I'm actually looking forward to that. 

Dress design is happening in my head and I think I want to change the RealPuki Mori dress at the same time. I can see now, how to simplify it a little. It would also elliminate some bulk, which it always good. 

I should get back to that Tyco pattern. 

Have a fantastic week!!

Blog posted on Tuesday February 15th 2022 15:18:45 GMT -08:00


I'm still struggling to acknowledge that it's February and it will be over all too soon.

Still plugging away on the mini patterns, but I think I want to put together the free sheath dress pattern before any more time passes. We now have a "Free patterns" tab on here, where you'll be able to find them all in one place, and I'd like to have it on there.

Taxes will need to be finished up soon, as I think all the forms arrived this week. Yay

My son put in the time to order me a pair of prescription reading glasses so that I can use his computer without doing stressful stuff to see the screen. My photo editing software isn't working right anymore, so I need to use his until I can upgrade or something. And yes, that's where all the main listing images and pattern pieces are created. It's a huge part of my neccessary business equipment. Speaking of which, it's time to get back to that.

Have a wonderful week! 

Blog posted on Tuesday February 8th 2022 11:45:57 GMT -08:00


We had a day of cleansing and candle burning. There were some cookies baked and consumed and some alfalfa sprouts made it into the meal. I'd eat them more if I didn't space out on the sprouting. But anyway, it was a good day.

I've managed to get some more patterns published for the extra tiny crowd. I have a few more I want to do before I switch to another size. It's kind of funny how I get really into one size for awhile. My guess is there's a familiarity established with the first pattern and I just want to continue creating there because the hard part is done.😄 Anyway, I have some dresses that will be a little more complicated, that I want to do in several sizes. So, it might turn out to be a series of the same dress in all the sizes. I don't know if I can stay with that long term though, lol. I also have another free tutorial to finish and it involves dresses, as well.

I also want to dedicate more time to my faerie house and iron-on designs. And today, it was suggested that I do a printable record album collection. I really like that idea too. It's time to reassess that scheduling thing😂

Have a great week!

Blog posted on Wednesday February 2nd 2022 19:12:08 GMT -08:00