3 A.M.

I’m up, yet again, struggling to breathe.

I’m still missing Princess. We had already started looking for a new puppy before she became so ill, but cash is an issue. Even the shelters want $300 for their dogs with issues. And I don’t like the individuals selling on Craig’s list, it’s always suspect and you need to rush to be the first or they’ll be gone.

Yule projects are coming along, and I’m back working on the seats for the truck. The wiring is almost done and then there’s? Mechanical or windows or something.

I’m struggling to keep hope alive over here. I hate knowing that where I live is keeping me really sick but the longer I’m here the harder it is to move out. I’m bad enough now that we can’t put the house on the market because I can’t handle people walking through with their synthetic fragrance. I don’t have enough brain function to make patterns right now, so I can’t increase the likelihood of more cash flow. Really sucks.

Blog posted on Friday October 27th 2017 03:28:12 GMT -07:00