Achy Breaky
Well, I seem to have caught a cold or the flu. Sinuses are angry and back is aching. That will slow one down. I haven't been able to get much done on the next poem/story I was to upload. It was originally written on a piece of paper that had many other things written on it previously. I even illustrated it and that's the problem. I can't seem to replicate the original. It was perfect, except for the fact that it has other bits of drawing showing through it and notes invading the edges. I will give it another go.
I received my first issue of "Doll News" this week. A very splendid publication for lovers of all types of dolls. The feature for this issue is the replication of the jointed body for the Huret doll of the mid 1800's with an article on an original and all of it's accoutrements, as well. It's exciting for me to see what has been done and what is being done in the world of dolls. I haven't been able to finish reading a single article, as yet. Here's hoping I have more luck with that over the next few days.
May beauty surround you!
I received my first issue of "Doll News" this week. A very splendid publication for lovers of all types of dolls. The feature for this issue is the replication of the jointed body for the Huret doll of the mid 1800's with an article on an original and all of it's accoutrements, as well. It's exciting for me to see what has been done and what is being done in the world of dolls. I haven't been able to finish reading a single article, as yet. Here's hoping I have more luck with that over the next few days.
May beauty surround you!

Blog posted on Wednesday January 27th 2016 00:08:17 GMT -08:00
Minor stumbling blocks
We ran into a slight glitch, yesterday, when we realized the corrected page of the story I was attempting to add wouldn't submit. Arthur quickly found and corrected the problem, something to do with a misplaced comma. Coding and programming are overwhelming to me. Thank the gods that Arthur is fascinated by the whole world of interactions between CSS, HTML and PHP, and a number of other coding languages that are beyond me.
On another note, I am finding that my clothes are wearing out faster than I can get new ones made. I had planned to dedicate January to filling in some of those deficiencies. So far I have a new pair of wool pants that are pleasing to look at, but require I wear a cotton pair under them. So I made a cotton pair. I was hoping to wear them on their own this summer, but they're really lightweight. Not all muslins are equal. In retrospect, I should have started with the french terry sweats. Hopefully I can get those cut out tomorrow.
On a happy note, I found my physical file of stories. Some of it was written on grocery bags. :) Whatever was handy! I have my work cut out for me to turn it into digital files.
Blossoms for you!
On another note, I am finding that my clothes are wearing out faster than I can get new ones made. I had planned to dedicate January to filling in some of those deficiencies. So far I have a new pair of wool pants that are pleasing to look at, but require I wear a cotton pair under them. So I made a cotton pair. I was hoping to wear them on their own this summer, but they're really lightweight. Not all muslins are equal. In retrospect, I should have started with the french terry sweats. Hopefully I can get those cut out tomorrow.
On a happy note, I found my physical file of stories. Some of it was written on grocery bags. :) Whatever was handy! I have my work cut out for me to turn it into digital files.
Blossoms for you!

Blog posted on Friday January 22nd 2016 16:28:50 GMT -08:00
Well begun is half done
Well, I'm excited! The new web site is finally ready for use. It's been a very long wait. We had planned to create an on-line store but the shopping cart liability for running your own or the cost of using a reliable and secure third party shopping cart was cost prohibitive for us. So we're selling on Etsy. There's a link to the store and we're posting stories we've written on here. I hope to get several up in the next week with and without illustrations. I have the hardest time setting up and getting illustrations done.
Another exciting event for me this week was new full spectrum lighting in my work areas. It's nice to be able to see what you're doing. Really!

I'm also working on patterns and instructions for toys I've created like Bill and Lilly Peking, pictured here with Ducky. They'll be available through Etsy. It may take some time as I will need to photograph the steps of making each one and I haven't worked out the logistics of having the camera and lighting set up while also having access to the sewing machine. I usually do those activities to the exclusion of the other, space being limited.
It's time to clean the kitchen so I can get some sewing done.
May blossoms abound!
Another exciting event for me this week was new full spectrum lighting in my work areas. It's nice to be able to see what you're doing. Really!
I'm also working on patterns and instructions for toys I've created like Bill and Lilly Peking, pictured here with Ducky. They'll be available through Etsy. It may take some time as I will need to photograph the steps of making each one and I haven't worked out the logistics of having the camera and lighting set up while also having access to the sewing machine. I usually do those activities to the exclusion of the other, space being limited.
It's time to clean the kitchen so I can get some sewing done.
May blossoms abound!
Blog posted on Wednesday January 20th 2016 14:55:47 GMT -08:00