
I'm still struggling to acknowledge that it's February and it will be over all too soon.

Still plugging away on the mini patterns, but I think I want to put together the free sheath dress pattern before any more time passes. We now have a "Free patterns" tab on here, where you'll be able to find them all in one place, and I'd like to have it on there.

Taxes will need to be finished up soon, as I think all the forms arrived this week. Yay

My son put in the time to order me a pair of prescription reading glasses so that I can use his computer without doing stressful stuff to see the screen. My photo editing software isn't working right anymore, so I need to use his until I can upgrade or something. And yes, that's where all the main listing images and pattern pieces are created. It's a huge part of my neccessary business equipment. Speaking of which, it's time to get back to that.

Have a wonderful week! 

Blog posted on Tuesday February 8th 2022 11:45:57 GMT -08:00