Changes coming to our digital world

Well, I've decided to try and work in more digital product for the store. Spent most of last week creating images to be used as iron-ons for doll clothes. Josephine will be using them on doll clothes some time this week, these will also be available for purchase. And there are a lot of other products that can be created for download. More on that as I make my way through it.

I have a back log of dolls ready to be airbrushed, (Urple is among them and she's going to need a new name). Really shouldn't let them pile up. LOL  And I've put the dolls waiting to be dyed aside for now, but almost everyone is prepped, (I have a petite still to do). 

Arthur is revamping the website here, most of the changes can't be seen, but a few can. But the most exciting part is that he's developing a web store and building the templates so that he can build websites and stores for others as well. I can't wait to be able to offer more than I currently can on Etsy. Cloud and Josephine will have products as well, that means witchy stuff and pottery. How cool is that?

Have a great week!

Blog posted on Tuesday November 23rd 2021 17:02:44 GMT -08:00