
In deciding to try and make moulds for creating repeatable paperclay pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns, as I mentioned last week, I've got to learn about mould making. Fortunately, I have a book, LOL! I made a lid and a leaf for the pumpkin container today, as well as getting the jack-o-lantern carved and sanded. So, everything is ready for whatever finish needs to be applied and then moulds poured. I guess I'll be spending some time reading tomorrow.

This time of year has become more difficult for us, as to energy levels available. I assume the tempatures dropping and the use of the wood stove have something to do with it. But whatever the reason, we are all dragging around here. Still moving, but really slow. It makes getting projects completed more challenging, while my brain is in overdrive with ideas for projects that I want to do. LOL Hopefully, I can hang on to the good ideas and go ahead and do them, even if the season has passed. I'm beginning to think that's my best choice for getting things ready for seasonal release dates. So, there will probably be out of season progress shares as a result.

Josephine is taking on the sewing projects for the bjd clothing, which is awesome! If there is something you'd like, let us know. I still make the patterns and do the designs, while she's doing production.

Have a wonderful week!

Blog posted on Wednesday October 13th 2021 17:54:39 GMT -07:00