New dolls to play with

I just received my first Blythe dolls this week. I have 2 Petite and 1 Neo to design clothes and patterns for. I also finished and uploaded to Etsy a RealPuki sweatshirt and jeans pattern. That project took a bit of time. The PukiPuki version was uploaded last week.
Image_8.png I have the Petites, Amelia Thimble, and a RealPuki lined up for size comparison. I can't believe the Petites have the smallest bodies. The Caribbean Jewel on the left has had a makeover started. I can't believe the Takara company thought it was a good idea to just chop her hair off. Without her hat she looks like the victim of a lawnmower accident.Image_9.pngImage_12.pngI believe the dreads are a vast improvement. I still need to do more with her makeup.
The Neo looks awesome, even if she isn't an official release.
Image_7.pngThe RealPuki has actual belt loops on those jeans and a real pocket on the front of that sweatshirt.

Blog posted on Friday March 31st 2017 16:49:48 GMT -07:00