History transcription

I'm a little tired at present and would dearly love a candy bar. Oh well.

I've been copying my old blog as per my eldest's advise, to bring it here in the form of a history. It will be written in chronological order from oldest to newest, unlike the original blog. I feel that helps when reading a history. I'm not getting a lot of traffic here, as yet, but I hope that will change. I'm also working on a Bolaidh Bláth story and I think Vaset, the dragon, and Yelrish, the clank, will be part of it. We're struggling with pdf pattern creation. Joey and Arthur are trying to help. It's just new territory for us all. I keep thinking I should just trace and scan, but it's not very professional looking.

My ducklings aren't getting any action. Easter was a little late to post them for sale. I'm trying to drum up traffic, but it's a lot of work.

The sun was out today and so was I, the dog liked that. I made Liam a pocket dragon and the pocket bunny I made him for Easter was a big hit at the store. He received quite a few compliments. I wonder if the dragon will be as popular?pocket_dragon_1.JPGpocket_dragon_2.JPG

Liam just arrived home and he brought me a candy bar! Oh joy!!

Blog posted on Wednesday March 30th 2016 19:17:05 GMT -07:00