
We went out for a walk yesterday in the hopes of finding rental listings on the local bulletin boards. The weather was nice and there were too many people out and about wearing fragrance. Needless to say, I didn't fare well and wished fervently I hadn't gone out.

That evening before the worst of the headache hit, I was searching for food storage containers on-line and found a documentary on the disappearing male


Very informative and completely disturbing. I knew about some of the issues but not the extent to which it has become a problem. When will we make it stop. Greed keeps companies from making the necessary changes and the most common excuse is a lame one: it would put us out of business to stop using these products. I call BULLSHIT! During both world wars factories completely changed what it was they were producing overnight. The extinction of humanity and many animal species apparently has no motivation to it. GREED for today, fuck tomorrow. That's just sick.

Blog posted on Friday March 4th 2016 16:51:54 GMT -08:00