Blossom hats and Petal skirts

I can't believe June is already half over. I've been focused on the creation process and absent from here, unfortunately.ย 

I had planned to switch gears a little, but I realized the traditional flower petal skirt pattern was missing from the market, (someone else had a pattern when I first started creating patterns), and as my name suggests, it was really my duty to create one to replace it.๐Ÿ˜† I hope it will be well recieved ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

If you haven't taken advantage of the search engine to look for patterns specific to your doll, please do! And share any feedback you have on your experience with me. I never know if we've covered the tagging as well as we intend to.

Well, I've got blossom hats to test.

Have a great week!

Blog posted on Friday June 17th 2022 14:41:15 GMT -07:00