
Before my best friend from childhood died back in 2007, he would ask me when we were going to write that "Great American Novel"? Well, I'm making a start on something I think he'd have liked, don't know how great it will be, either, but the effort is being made. LOL 

I'm putting some time in on my personal dollies, my knitting and crochet. It's funny how many different projects can pass through my hands in a day. And I'm still making progress on new iron-on designs and sewing patterns. I made a pattern sale this week to an individual who's sewing skills have really impressed me. I'd love to buy one of her Blythe outfits, but I'm nervous about ruining them removing the potential fragrance that is present way to frequently for me. Needless to say, it gave me a thrill to sell her a couple of patterns. I'm really flattered.😊 

Yule is just around the corner and we're as ready as we're ever going to be. I hope everyone is enjoying time spent with family and friends and that you're staying safe as the weather turns wintery.

Blessed Be!

Blog posted on Tuesday December 14th 2021 15:37:15 GMT -08:00