Late September musings

I have started scheduling myself more strigently. I'm hoping the end result will be beneficial to keeping this site more regularly updated. ๐Ÿ˜„

I've been trying to get back into sculpting. I started with some Blythe dolls and I've repaired a porcelain doll. but I really want to be doing more original work, either in wood or clay or both. A space where I could leave things set up would be awesome, but as that's not likely anytime soon, I'll be scheduling a sculpt day. I currently have a tech day on Tuesdays that has really helped my focus shift, so that I'm not completely ignoring the tech stuff that needs to happen. Eventually I'll have a gallery here of my past work, because I like museums and galleries are personal museums.๐Ÿ˜„

I also have a personal goal to get at least one book illustrated and published. It has been suggested that I start a YouTube channel where I read stories and then I could use that platform to introduce my own stories for additional exposure. The world of social media is in constant flux. I'm not even sure people read blogs anymore and the current hot ticket is TikTok. I know I'm not the only one finding it all to be a little overwhelming. So, I'll keep plugging along and hopefully the right audience will find me where I'm at, because if I start chasing the latest, it's guaranteed, I'll never get anywhere as everything will be left unfinished.

Have a beautiful day!


Blog posted on Tuesday September 28th 2021 13:42:29 GMT -07:00