Death by Fragrance

We went to meet a puppy 🐶 yesterday. The mask didn’t protect me from the HUGE amount of fragrance in this place. The woman said she was sensitive to fragrance, well no wonder! There was Fabreeze in the bathroom, strong disenfectant fragrance everywhere and there was fragrance in the laundry.
I have a migraine, the phlegm is pouring down the back of my throat in thick sheets, it’s gross, all of it.
We’ll have to bathe the puppy first thing when we bring him home😡😩 and I get to wear that mask all the way back.

Will anyone ever figure this crap out? Stop using synthetic fragrance!😡🤬😤😭😳🙁

Blog posted on Friday January 12th 2018 18:50:38 GMT -08:00