Vintage Dolly Patterns

Over the years I've made a lot of stuffed toys. But one of my absolute favourite doll patterns, that I have returned to again and again, is one my mother purchased when I was preschool age. I've modified features of it, but the basic doll has remained the same. Unfortunately, my original pattern is in tatters. I've preserved it's essence through tracings, but in recent years I've felt insecure about it's survival. So, I was thrilled to find a seller on Etsy who was scanning vintage patterns for resale. She did not have the exact pattern I had been using, but it was close enough for my purposes. I also found an adorable button jointed baby doll with a similar style to it. And the best thing about these patterns was that she included scaled down versions with the full size patterns. Perfect! I wouldn't need to scale them down and guess at their finished size. Doll collectors seem to be focusing on cabinet dolls because of storage / display constraints. I figure parents may be doing the same thing to some extent and who doesn't love ❤️ miniature toys. So, we're giving the vintage style doll, done in miniature a try and we'll see how the market responds. And wouldn't you know it, for the first time in many years, I don't have any muslin on hand. Joey and I found some nice soft linen to reuse, (it had already been made into clothing that was ready to retire), and I've got my fingers crossed that it doesn't fray too terribly, so I can get started.
Here's a link to the pattern shop: eVINTAGEpatterns's shop on Etsy


Blog posted on Tuesday May 23rd 2017 19:07:57 GMT -07:00