Four Steps Back, One Step Forward

I added some bling to the Fairy Sparkles! Jars' and finally got a favorite.
My Neo Blythe is off gassing so much I'm going to need to sell her. That's a lesson in buying the cheaper version. The hands I had ordered to go with her body don't match.
We went out to Home Depot and bought galvanized pipe to build a pull up bar "plus", (It has three cross bars so I can hang upside down). But the pipes have a highly toxic petroleum based oil coating them and it doesn't come off with soap. Liam is going to wipe it down with acetone. Yuck! It's not going to do me much good if I have to wait for the weather to make them "safe".
My brain is really foggy and I'm struggling to make the patterns without mistakes.
I wanted to buy an old good luck troll but when I ask the sellers who had them about their use of fragrance it became a no go. On the upside, Liam and I have really been enjoying the new Troll movie, more than once, like little kids.
I really like the way this Fairy Sparkles! promo photo turned out.Image_21.png

Blog posted on Friday April 21st 2017 13:00:33 GMT -07:00