Bathing the dog

I was finally brave enough to bathe the dog. Her eagle talon wound seems to be healing remarkably well, but the shedding is intense. It is that time of year, but when she was younger she didn't shed at all. It wasn't until she passed the ten year mark that shedding became an issue. Now it seems that I'm finding her hair everywhere. I'm not, actually. I've had hairy "real" dogs in my home and she's nothing like that. It's just an "in comparison" kind of thing. Anyway, she's cleaner and for the most part, hasn't any lasting trauma from the eagle encounter.

I may end up traumatized by this tax season, however. I'm trying to figure out exactly what I'm supposed to do with this health care issue. And I'm discovering that the ludicrous scenario of in order to fill out A, you must first fill out B, and in order to fill out B you must do worksheet C, and in order to fill out worksheet C, you must do worksheet D. And it doesn't stop there. If you had insurance for all 12 months of 2015, you're golden. but if your application got misplaced or simply didn't go through and you thought it had, (we have both of those cases to deal with), you weren't covered. Through no fault of your own, this is a case of an overburdened state health care system and you have no proof of your attempts to apply in January. Now you have to figure out what to write on line 11 and it's not EZ or straightforward.

I finished my organic french terry cotton pants this evening. Those should be cozier than the thin cotton pants I've been wearing. Both pairs of satin pj's have bit the dust. Fortunately, I was able to salvage the flannel lining on both for simple flannel pants, (read: long johns ). I'll miss the satin. We'll be flannel graphing from here on out.

I found a picture from Halloween 1989 of me and the kids. Most people we met that night didn't realize I was in costume, but Batman and Robin were a hit.

Blog posted on Tuesday February 23rd 2016 00:00:13 GMT -08:00