Achy Breaky

Well, I seem to have caught a cold or the flu. Sinuses are angry and back is aching. That will slow one down. I haven't been able to get much done on the next poem/story I was to upload. It was originally written on a piece of paper that had many other things written on it previously. I even illustrated it and that's the problem. I can't seem to replicate the original. It was perfect, except for the fact that it has other bits of drawing showing through it and notes invading the edges. I will give it another go.

I received my first issue of "Doll News" this week. A very splendid publication for lovers of all types of dolls. The feature for this issue is the replication of the jointed body for the Huret doll of the mid 1800's with an article on an original and all of it's accoutrements, as well. It's exciting for me to see what has been done and what is being done in the world of dolls. I haven't been able to finish reading a single article, as yet. Here's hoping I have more luck with that over the next few days.

May beauty surround you! Vaset_sleeping_copy.png

Blog posted on Wednesday January 27th 2016 00:08:17 GMT -08:00